Castle Combe Tuesdays

Castle Combe Tuesdays begin on Tuesday 8th April 2025


Join us from 17:30-20:00 every Tuesday from April 8th – September 23th 2025

Please Click here to read our Health and Safety Guidelines BEFORE you arrive at the circuit – thank you!
Important. Do not arrive at the circuit before 5pm. Even if the gates are open, the circuit management will not allow us to continue using the circuit if people arrive before 5pm. Thank you.


To register as a member of the Castle Combe Tuesday Night group click here – registration for the year costs £2 for adults and £1 for children.
2024 memberships expire on March 31st. To renew, go to your RiderHQ account here and click ‘renew’ next to your Castle Combe Cycling membership. You will also get a renewal reminder email in mid-March from RiderHQ. 
Once you have registered, your membership card will be emailed to you. You can also find it in your RiderHQ account. You can either print this membership card off (some people laminate theirs for back-pocket protection!) or save it on your phone as a pdf. It’s best to save it to somewhere you can find it easily on your phone – i.e. not photos, as you may not find it easy to find again once you’ve taken more pictures! Saving it in notes is often a better idea.
Once you have your membership card, simply turn up from 5.30pm on Tuesday nights, pay the entry fee (£5 for adults, £2 for children) and ride until 8pm. If you’ve never ridden before, you will be asked to read and confirm you’ve understood the simple rules which are displayed on the entry gate.
On very rare occasions, we have to cancel a session due to unforeseen circumstances. We will keep you informed via social media in plenty of time if this happens.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Castle Combe in 2025.